Our strategy is to embody the adventure of play through the lens of Lancelot “Capability” Brown known to many as the “The Omnipotent Magician” who could transform countryside into beautiful parks that were seemingly the work of nature.
Sweeping away formality in the garden and opening the vista across the ha-ha and naturalistic parkland. He was also an Architect who’s buildings and follies would populate his parks.
The proposal takes the form of soft landscape gestures and sensory planting, on which our sculptural timber forms encourage eighteenth century leisure pursuits such as hunting, shooting and carriage-riding, our landscape will, in the same manner, encourage 21st century play.
The playground will contain elements of physical and sensory challenge, games and problem solving, encouraging children to work together to solve or overcome hurdles and learn about the history of the site and the adventures of Himley Hall.
• Definition of brief • Scoping and research • Development of narrative approach • Concept design • Design of themed play • Detailed design • Co-ordination with Eibe for construction